Google CTF 2021 Beginners Quest

Written on September 19, 2021

#1 - Novosibirsk Chemical plant

This first challenge takes us to a website where we are greeted with a password form. Viewing the page source we can see a script tag, containing the checkPassword function. This function is ran when we submit the form so our first approach will be to reverse the function.

const checkPassword = () => {
  const v = document.getElementById("password").value;
  const p = Array.from(v).map(a => 0xCafe + a.charCodeAt(0));

  if(p[0] === 52037 &&
     p[6] === 52081 &&
     p[5] === 52063 &&
     p[1] === 52077 &&
     p[9] === 52077 &&
     p[10] === 52080 &&
     p[4] === 52046 &&
     p[3] === 52066 &&
     p[8] === 52085 &&
     p[7] === 52081 &&
     p[2] === 52077 &&
     p[11] === 52066) {
    window.location.replace(v + ".html");
  } else {
    alert("Wrong password!");

Dry running the program in the console, using “password” as test data, we can see that v is converted into an array ["p", "a", "s", "s", "w", "o", "r", "d"] then each character is converted to a key code which is added to 0xCafe. This gives us:

[52078, 52063, 52081, 52081, 52085, 52077, 52080, 52066] which is then compared with the following values:

[52037, 52077, 52077, 52066, 52046, 52063, 52081, 52081, 52085, 52077, 52080, 52066]


Reversing this function is quite easy and we can do it in the browser. Turning the values above into an array, we can then run them through an inverse function which looks something like this:

[].map(a => String.fromCharCode((a- 0xCafe))).join("")

Running this function on the array returns the string GoodPassword which we can the use to log into the website. Logging in to the site we are greeted with the following images.


This reveals the flag to be: CTF{IJustHopeThisIsNotOnShodan}

Next quest: Google2021Beginners-02