7 - Buenos Aires Conference

For this challenge we are given a file. Running the file command we can see the file is a Zip archive. The archive contains chall.py and __pycache__.

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5 - Istanbul Bazaar

For this challenge we are given a file. Running the file command we can see the file is a Zip archive. The archive contains three files. RoboCaller1337.py, robo_numbers_list.txt and secret.enc.

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4 - Secret Location Base

For this challenge we are given a file. Running the file command we can see the file is a Zip archive. The archive contains two files: chal.c and pico.uf2

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2 - Moscow Apartment

For this challenge we are given a file. Running the file command we can see the file is a Zip archive. So opening the file using 7zip we find logic-lock.png which contains a logic circuit which will reveal the flag when it is solved.

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1 - Novosibirsk Chemical plant

This first challenge takes us to a website where we are greeted with a password form. Viewing the page source we can see a script tag, containing the checkPassword function. This function is ran when we submit the form so our first approach will be to reverse the function.

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